207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

Thank You to our Supporting Members!

Preferred Supporting Members

Enhanced Supporting Members


Supporting Members

Acuity Insurance

Allegiance Trucks

Ancra Cargo

Bangor Savings Bank

Carl’s Auto Parts, Inc.

Cass Insurance

DC Bates Equipment

F.A. Peabody

Fabian Oil

Frank Martin & Sons, Inc.

Freightliner of Maine, Inc.

Haverlock, Estey & Curran

Heavy Machines, Inc.

Huber Engineered Woods

Katahdin Fire

Katahdin Forest Products

Key Bank

Kyes Insurance

Louisiana Pacific

Lumbra Hardwoods, Inc.

Maine Commercial Tire, Inc. – MCT

Maine Energy Systems

NorState Federal Credit Union

Northeast Pellets, LLC.

Quality Saw Sales & Service

Robbins Lumber, Inc. 

Seven Islands Land Company


Stairs Welding RL Inc.

TR Dillon Logging Inc.

UniFirst Corporation

Whitten’s 2-Way Service, Inc.

Woodland Pulp


Industry Service Provider

Senio Forestry


 Individual Supporting Members

K. Scott Morrison

Paul Tibbetts

Donny Reaves

Scott Hanington

Larry Poulin 

David DeLaite

Beau Berry

Jason Nadeau

Bob Williams 

Non Profit Supporting Members

Airline ATV Riders

Aroostook Partnership

Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital

City of Old Town

Maine Better Transportation Association  

Maine Farm Bureau

Maine Pellet Fuels Association

Maine Tree Foundation

Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety in Ag, Forestry and Fishing (NEC)

The Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center